Interested in becoming a Justice of the Peace?

Application to be, and appointment as, a Justice of the Peace in Tasmania

The process of application and appointment of successful applicants as a Justice of the Peace in Tasmania is managed by the Department of Justice.

Appointments will only be made where there is an identifiable need.

If you are interested in becoming a JP, eligibility requirements and information about the process can be obtained from the Department of Justice website

The Honorary Justices’ Association of Tasmania (along with the other two Tasmanian JP associations) has no role in the application or appointment process. The associations do, however, have role to play in delivering the training to successful applicants which is a prerequisite to their being able to practice.

Members of the Honorary Justices’ Association of Tasmania Committee are very happy to talk to anyone interested in becoming a JP about the duties and responsibilities of the position (see contact details on the Home page) but the Honorary Justices’ Association of Tasmania will not make recommendations or representations to the Department of Justice on behalf of any individual.