Professional Development

The Honorary Justices’ Association of Tasmania Inc. has always placed strong emphasis on PD.  It is one of the Objects of the Association in its Constitution (a revised Constitution was adopted in 2019). 

The new Justices of the Peace Act 2018 places greater emphasis on justices of the peace regularly undertaking PD and maintaining their skill level.  Whether or not a JP has undertaken PD may be a factor in their reappointment. 

The HJAT is a training provider for the Department of Justice, conducting Level 1 training for new JP appointees in northern Tasmania, a condition of their appointment and a prerequisite before they can be sworn in.

Refresher training for existing justices of the peace is also provided regularly, either as a part of the Level Course or offered separately.

All training for members of the Association is free.  For new JP appointees, a small fee is charged to defray costs.  This is discounted if the person decides to join the Association. Please contact the Registrar for information.

The HJAT Committee sets date each year for the ensuing year when Level 1 an/or refresher training will be provided.  The dates for 2023 are:

  • Thursday 30th March
  • Thursday 27th July
  • Thursday 30th November

We will also provide one-on-one training if the fixed dates are unsuitable and  providing the training within a time frame is necessary. 

All training is held in one of the training rooms at the new C H Smith Centre in Lower Charles Street, Launceston, starting at 9.30 am and concluding by 1.30 pm.. Again, please contact the Registrar for information.

From time to time and depending on demand, the HJAT also arranges special sessions on particular topics relevant to JPs and talks by legal professionals, including judges and magistrates.